Monday - Friday 09:00 - 17:00

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0161 271 0084

Paul French

Professor Paul French

Honorary Research Consultant

Professor Paul French – Associate Director

Paul French is currently the Clinical Lead for Early Intervention in Psychosis services across Greater Manchester, Mental Health Clinical Lead for Greater Manchester and East Cheshire Strategic Clinical Network, NHSE North Clinical Lead for Early Intervention in Psychosis for the North West and Honorary Professor at Liverpool University.

His research interests are on the development of novel interventions for people with psychosis and preventative interventions for young people with emerging mental health conditions. He continues to look for ways to embed research into practice and ensure that services deliver evidence based interventions.

Paul French is currently contributing to a number of National Institute of Health Research funded clinical trials, (HTA) Prodigy, Stepwise, Empower, FOCUS, MAPS, (RfP) IFCBT, Compare, BART. Additionally, he is working on other projects such as Hoax which is evaluating a trilogy of artworks and its impact on stigma with collaborator Ravi Thornton at psys Wish and funded by Arts Council England, the further modelling of the Psymaptic population prediction tool with James Kirkbride funded by The Welcome Trust, and also Lab In A Bag a project with Martin Myers from The Chief Scientific Office to deliver point of care physical health testing for people with psychosis.

Paul sits on the National Adult Mental Health Delivery Group and is a panel member of the NIHR HTA MPOH panel and was a member of the National Expert Reference Group for the Access and Waiting Times Standards for Psychosis.