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0161 271 0084


BART (Bipolar At-Risk Trial)

BART (Bipolar At-Risk Trial) is a new feasibility study which is now in its recruitment phase. It has been awarded funding from The Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB) stream at The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).


The aim for BART is to investigate whether CBT is an acceptable, feasible and potentially effective treatment option for people who have been identified as being at risk of developing bipolar disorder.


BART is looking for participants who are between the ages of 16-25, who are help seeking and who meet the criteria. This criteria includes people who have difficulty with mood swings and who may also have an immediate family member with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder.


Participants who consent to take part in the research will be randomly allocated to one of the two arms of the study; either to treatment as usual (which means they continued on with their usual care) or to the intervention arm (which combines treatment as usual with CBT provided by a therapist from BART). Participants who are allocated to the intervention arm will be offered up to 25 sessions of CBT over the course of six months. In addition, all participants will be asked to meet with a research assistant for a follow up appointments at 6 months and 12 months into their involvement with the research. The team will endeavour to meet participants at a location that they prefer and participants receive a £20 token of appreciation at the initial appointment, as well as each of the follow up appointments.


To find out more about BART or if you would like us to deliver a training session, or schedule a liaison visit you can also contact Dr Heather Law (Trial Manager) at / 0161 358 1402 or Dr Sophie Parker (Chief Investigator) at / 0161 358 1395.

To make a referral contact…

Lydia Pearson (Research Assistant) on 07827903300 / 0161 358 1395

Emmeline Joyce (Assistant Psychologist) 07584 206 815 / 0161 358 0837 

If you think that you / your client might be interested in taking part in this study you can download further information about the study below.

BART Participant Information Sheet – BART Referrers Leaflet – BART Leaflet

If you would like printed copies of the leaflet sending to you free of charge please click HERE and complete the contact sheet with your name, your email address, BART leaflets in the subject line and your postal address and number of leaflets required in the body of the message.

Please note that BART has now reached its recruitment target and is no longer accepting new referrals!